Conversation in the garden whilst planting marigolds and pansies...
Me: Oh! Hello there...are you a snail? No, you don't have a shell...must be a slug. You are a baby slug! I've never seen a baby slug before.
Baby Slug: ....
Me: Welcome to your new area - you must be a bit confused as just a while ago you were at the garden shop, which would be your nirvana. That said, I am afraid you can't stay here. You might eat the leaves.
Baby Slug: ...
Me: Right then, let's get you settled elsewhere, there is a whole forest in the backyard on the other side of the fence that you can live gleefully in and munch away at all the leaves. You do eat leaves don't you? Or is there another reason people don't like you?
Baby Slug: ...
Me: Okay, here we go, please stay on that side of the fence. Mind the racoons and bears, I am sure they won't bother you but you don't want to get under their feet and all. Take care!
Baby Slug: ....
Peace out my glorious friends.
I love your dialogue with the slug. As I was gardening yesterday I had some conversations with red centipedes, but they weren't so polite.